How to Keep Your Lawn from Drying Out with Hydretain

Blake Rey • May 29, 2024

Hydretain: the perfect solution for your dry lawn

Hydretain grass comparison
Main Takeaways from This Article:
  • May to early June is an especially dry season for Florida lawns
  • Watering restrictions prevent people from watering their lawns as needed
  • Even with reclaim water and no watering restrictions, lawns may still suffer from the heat and drought
  • Use Hydretain to keep your lawn from drying
  • Hydretain works by making water droplets from the surrounding humidity and attaching them to plant and grass roots, keeping them hydrated with less necessary watering
  • Hydretain is great for both plant beds and grass lawns
  • Available as granules and a hose-attachment spray
  • Use along with fertilizer to maximize the lush greening effect of Hydretain
Nobody likes a dry, brown, and crispy lawn. Neither the people nor the grass! The best thing you can do during the dry period is use Hydretain. Hydretain will keep your grass looking great, and your lawn will be the envy of your neighbors as they wonder how it could possibly look that lush. In this article, we’ll go over when the dry period is, how Hydretain works, and how to use it.
Florida Palm

When is the dry period in Florida?

Florida experiences a dry period in May and early June. The heat combined with the lack of rain makes it especially harsh on lawns. If your neighborhood has levied watering restrictions due to those conditions, then your lawn is more susceptible to drying out. Even if you live in an area that has reclaim water or no watering restrictions, you might be out there watering your lawn nearly every day due to that heat and lack of rain. This is where Hydretain comes in! Hydretain will save you the headache of constant watering and the heartache of watching your hard work fry in the sun.

Hydretain treated grass

How does Hydretain work?

Hydretain works by converting the humidity surrounding your grass and plants into usable water droplets and attaching said droplets to their root systems. It allows plants and grass to access moisture that would otherwise evaporate. Since Florida experiences a lot of humidity, this makes Hydretain that much more efficient at keeping your lawn healthy and hydrated. 

Photo Credit: Hydretain

Hydretain effect graphic

Hydretain is unlike other soil moisture managers. It is not a wetting agent, surfactant, or polymer gel. Wetting agents make it easier for water to move in coarse soil by reducing the water’s surface tension. Surfactants make water and other solutions stick to surfaces more effectively. Polymer gels are super absorbent and are very efficient at storing water. While these three things are good in their own ways, they are not the best suited for treating and hydrating grass during periods of drought. Hydretain is unique in that it creates new moisture for the plants and grass to draw from rather than just using existing water. In times of drought, this trait is especially useful.

Photo Credit: Hydretain

Hydretain 15 lb. bag

How do I use Hydretain?

Hydretain can be used in two different ways: as a granule or as a hose-attachment spray. Both are equally effective at helping your lawn; it just comes down to personal preference. Granules can either be spread by hand or by using a spreading tool. For lawn spreading, make sure you follow the chart for the recommended settings on your specific spreader. Then, spread the product evenly over your lawn, using about 2.5-3 lb. per 1,000 sq. ft. of the grass. If you plan to mow on the same day, it is recommended that you do so before you spread, as that increases the rate of penetration for Hydretain as it has less grass obscuring it when you water it in. If you do mow after spreading Hydretain, make sure you water it in first, then wait about an hour for it to settle before mowing. When watering the product in, make sure you run your sprinklers for about 15 minutes to help the Hydretain penetrate and settle into the soil. If you lack sprinklers or irrigation, use your hose to give your lawn a nice, even coat of water.

Hydretain 3 lb. bag

You can also use Hydretain granules in your garden beds and containers. For existing garden beds, it is recommended that you spread 1 lb. per 100 sq. ft. of garden bed. Water it in for about 15 minutes after spreading. For container plants, use 1 lb. per cubic foot of area in the container. Hydretain can either be mixed into the soil before planting or spread topically afterwards.

Hydretain Hose End Attachment Sprayer

The hose-end attachment sprayer is just as effective for your lawn and garden as the granules. If you choose to use the spray, make sure the soil is damp before you apply Hydretain to it. For lawns, spray the product in broad strokes for even coverage. After spraying, make sure to water it in for about 15 minutes with your sprinklers. If you lack sprinklers or irrigation, detach the Hydretain and use plain water to help the product penetrate. One quart of Hydretain covers about 2,500-5,000 sq. ft. depending on the spray method.

The Hydretain spray can also be used in garden beds and containers. Drench the plants’ root zones thoroughly with the product to ensure maximum coverage. Rinse off the plants with plain water to make sure residual product gets into the soil. Douse the soil lightly with plain water to encourage further penetration. 

  • Hydretain 15 lb. Bag

    Slide title

    Use a 15 lb. bag to cover large areas.

  • Hydretain 3 lb. Bag

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    3 lb. Hydretain bags are useful for covering a small area, garden beds, or containers.

  • Hydretain Hose End Attachment Sprayer

    Slide title

    Alternatively, you can also use the Hydretain Hose End Attachment Sprayer.

St. Augustine Sod Grass

What fertilizer should I use with Hydretain?

Some fertilizers that are great to use with Hydretain are Fertilome Classic Lawn Food and NitroOrganic Fertilizer. During the dry period, the temperatures are too hot to put down regular fast release fertilizers. Thankfully, both Fertilome Classic and NitroOrganic are perfect to use during this period. They are slow release fertilizers, meaning they release their nutrients over time at a slow rate. This prevents the grass from getting burned, since releasing nutrients too fast will burn the grass under hot temperatures. Both fertilizers are safe to use on any type of grass, be it St. Augustine, Bermuda, Bahia, Zoysia, or many others.

Fertilome Classic

Fertilome Classic is perfect for lawns that are looking for some serious greening without the fear of burning the grass. Its NPK ratio is 16-0-8, meaning it has a high amount of Nitrogen (N) to green your grass and a decent amount of Potassium (K) to strengthen its roots. It is great to use in conjunction with Hydretain, as you’ll see the grass green up very well as it gets both the water and the food it needs.

NitroOrganic Fertilizer 36 lb. Bag

NitroOrganic is a gentle and organic alternative to Fertilome Classic. Many gardeners prize this product for its ease of use, as its low NPK of 4-3-0 is especially gentle on lawns and gardens alike. Unlike Classic, NitroOrganic can be spread on both lawns and garden beds as fertilizer. It is available in both a large bag and a small bag.


Hydretain is the perfect product to use during periods of drought. It lowers the amount of watering you need to do on your lawn, saving time, money, and heartache. As a result, you’ll see your grass and plants looking healthy throughout a period when they may struggle to get water. If you have any questions, you can always call us at 813-884-3797 or email us at We look forward to helping you more in the future!

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