Herbicides that will get rid of those tough-to-kill weeds without harming your grass
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Florida has no shortage of weeds. Our warm weather invites all kinds of flora to live in our environment, including the not-so-desired kinds. That’s why it’s important to know what, how, and when to use certain herbicides on your property to control these weeds. In this article, we’ll go over each of the different products we carry for weed control, how to use them, and when the appropriate time to use them is.
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Atrazine targets broadleaf weeds in you St. Augustine or Zoysia lawn.
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Use the Atrazine Ready-to-Use hose end attachment for an easy spray.
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St. Augustine Weed & Feed 16 lbs. Bag covers 2,500 sq. ft.
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St. Augustine Weed & Feed 32 lbs. covers 5,000 sq. ft.
How long does it take for Atrazine to work?
Atrazine takes about 4-6 weeks after application to see results. The weeds around it will start to brown gradually until they die off. It is normal not to see much change in the surrounding grass in the first week or two. The gradual nature of Atrazine allows the product to specifically target weeds without harming your grass.
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Weed-Out Lawn Weed Killer is great for bahia and bermuda lawns.
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Weed-Out Plus Lawn Fertilizer kills weeds in your Bahia or Bermuda lawn while also fertilizing it.
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Weed-Out Nutsedge Control kills not only nutsedge but other broadleaf weeds as well.
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The Weed-Out Nutsedge Control Ready-to-Use bottle is perfect for spot treating small, weedy areas of your lawn
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The Weed-Out Nutsedge Control Ready-to-Spray hose end attachment allows straight from the bottle application on the whole lawn.
How long does it take for Weed-Out to work?
Weed-Out takes about 2-3 weeks after application to kill weeds. The weeds will gradually start to brown before they die off. You may not see changes within the first week of application. The gradual nature of Weed-Out allows it to be safe to use on grass while targeting weeds.
Dollar Weed Control
How long does it take for Dollar Weed Control to work?
Dollar Weed Control takes about 4 weeks after application to kill weeds. The weeds will gradually start to brown before they die off. You may not see changes within the first week or two of application. The gradual nature of Dollar Weed Control allows it to be safe to use on grass while targeting weeds.
What is Killzall?
Killzall is a non-selective herbicide containing glyphosate that is effective on many types of weeds, not just broadleaf weeds. It is not safe to use on bahia, bermuda, zoysia, or most types of St. Augustine, as it will kill that grass along with the weeds. However, a new type of improved St. Augustine grass called ProVista has been cultivated to be resistant to this particular herbicide, making Killzall the perfect solution to keeping weeds out of that grass. If you have ProVista St. Augustine, Killzall is the choice for you. We have a
quart of concentrate as well as a
pint of concentrate.
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Killzall is designed as a non-selective weed and grass killer, but ProVista St. Augustine is resistant.
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Killzall is also available in a quart.
How long does it take for Killzall to work?
Killzall takes about 1-2 weeks to work. Since it is a non-selective herbicide, it acts faster than most other post-emergent chemicals.
Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper
How long does it take for Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper to work?
Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper works immediately after being watered in. The water on contact causes the granules to release a vapor barrier in the soil they are spread on, which prevents the new weed seeds from germinating. The product protects your lawn from weeds for about 3 months.
When should I use Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper? How often should I use it?
You can use Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper any time of year, as it is safe to use in any temperature. Ideally, you’ll want to use it on any body of grass you have in your lawn. You should use it once every 3 months to provide a continuous barrier of protection throughout the year.
Sedgehammer+ Turf Herbicide
How long does it take for Sedgehammer+ Turf Herbicide to work?
Sedgehammer+ Turf Herbicide usually takes about 1-2 weeks after application to show results. You may not see changes in the first week. By four weeks, the nutsedge should be dead.
There are many ways to treat weeds in your lawn. The time of year, the weather, the type of weed, and the type of grass all affect what kinds of products you can use on your lawn. Be sure to use the appropriate product in the appropriate way to get your lawn looking the best it can! If you want to learn more about taking care of your lawn, read our
extensive guide on all aspects of lawn care. If you have any questions, you can reach us by email or by phone. We look forward to further serving you!